The smell of a freshly brewed pot of coffee. Like walking into a cafe or coffee house this scent is true to its name like a fresh cup of coffee.
This fragrance comes in a wooden wick 8oz candle, 1oz glass spray bottle, 5ml fragrance oil (for burners), 10ml Roll On Body Oil Applicator, wax melt clam shell, or a 3 pack of 12" incense.
***Color May Vary***
***Color May Vary***
Available as an 8 oz Candle, Wax Melts, 1 oz Room/Car Spray, 5ml Fragrance Oil, 3pk Incense & 10ml Roll On body Oil applicator. $25 Combo Pack comes with 1oz spray & 8oz candle.
Fresh Coffee Collection
Options on how to buy our Signature Fragrances:
8oz Candle
1oz Glass Bottle Car/Room Spray
Clamshell of Wax Melts
3 Package of 12" incense (dozen per pack)
5ml fragrance oil
10ml Roll On Body Oil
$25 giftbox that comes with one giftbox, 1-1oz spray & 1 8oz candle.
The candle is a fine blend of paraffin & soy wax that creates a wonderful scent throw which stretches a considerable distance when lit. The 8oz tin comes with a crackling wooden wick that requires maintenance for proper burning (trimming). Comes with a tin cover.